
Master OF SCIENCECardiovascular Perfusion

Cardiovascular Perfusion Faculty and Staff



Kevin McCusker, PhD, CCP, LP

Inaugural Program Director
Associate Director of Research

Since 2003, McCusker has been an assistant professor of surgery at New York Medical College in Valhalla, New York. He trained in the disciplines of physiology, biostatistics, and multidisciplinary health and human services.

McCusker在布朗克斯的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院/Montefiore医疗中心建立了一个心血管灌注项目, New York. He was also the program director at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. In addition, McCusker served as an adjunct professor, 在新罕布什尔大学教授病理生理学,在东北大学教授心肺生理学. McCusker holds several U.S. Patents towards the advancement of extracorporeal circulation and holds the U.S. 发明用于体外循环和心脏截瘫的浓缩灌注电路的装置和方法专利. He has been a practicing Perfusionist for more than 30 years. 他是60多篇出版物的作者,并在几家医学期刊的编辑委员会任职. McCusker has released two new books, “系统理论:一种改良的体外回路来减弱全身炎症反应”和“酸碱平衡”.”


Kristen Fanelli, MS, BScN, CCP, RN

Program Director

Fanelli has a Master of Science in Cardiovascular Perfusion from Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona. 她有超过8年的经验,作为一名注册临床灌注师(CCP)和临床讲师,在多个机构为研究生水平的灌注学生提供指导. 她还拥有护理学学士学位,并在安大略省和密歇根州获得注册护士执照.


Philip L. Robinson, MD

Medical Director




Chelsea Johnson, MS, CCP

Clinical Coordinator

Chelsea Johnson is a Certified Clinical Perfusionist with more than 7 years of experience. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Studies from Michigan State University. She then earned her Master of Science in Cardiovascular Perfusion from Long Island University. 她的职业生涯开始于纽约长老会-哥伦比亚大学医学中心,然后搬回家乡密歇根州继续她的灌注事业. She has been a clinical preceptor to students throughout her career.


La'Yuntae Dukes

Administrative Assistant

La’Yuntae Dukes is a mom of 5 sons. She grew up between The Big Apple and Detroit. 此外,她的全职工作是心血管灌注硕士项目的行政助理, she is also an entrepreneur owning and operating three businesses. Her favorite things to do are cooking, spending time with her kids and workout.


Robb Johnson, CCP, RRT

Simulation and Curriculum Coordinator

Robb Johnson是一名经过认证的临床灌注师,在灌注领域拥有超过7年的临床经验,并使用高保真模拟培训他人. 在作为注册呼吸治疗师执业多年后,他获得了南卡罗来纳医科大学灌注技术学士学位. 在加入密歇根州Orrum临床分析和综合护理服务团队之前,他在纽约长老会-哥伦比亚大学医学中心开始了他的灌注职业生涯. He has trained perfusion and respiratory concepts to multiple disciplines during his career, ranging from students to physicians alike, and his passion for the perfusion field has often been described as “contagious.”


Jennine (Nina) Paugh, CCP

SIM Lab Instructor

Jennine (Nina) Paugh has been a practicing perfusionist for over 30 years. 她的大部分职业生涯都是在密歇根大学作为成人和儿童先天性灌注师度过的. She earned the distinguished title of Fellowship of Pediatric Perfusion in 2017. She has been a preceptor for perfusion students from MUSC, Midwestern University and the Ohio State University for nearly my entire career. During her career at U of M she became interested in simulation. She assisted with a NIH grant on team training simulation in cardiac surgery. 她是评估低频高急性心脏手术事件根本原因分析小组的一员. She created a team based simulation for all members of the pediatric and adult teams. 她还为心脏麻醉师创建了一个培训计划,并为心脏住院医生创建了一个“新兵训练营”. In 2019 she became certified as a simulation in healthcare educator, becoming one of two perfusionists in the country who hold this certification.

2018年,她离开了密歇根大学,在综合护理服务中心工作,帮助开发一个最先进的心脏手术和体外膜肺组织培训模拟中心. 她还为组织内的所有灌注师开发了一个继续教育模拟程序. 通过这个项目,全国各地的灌注师每年都会在高风险情况下进行练习,以提高在安全环境中的表现和技能. By practicing these events perfusionist improve patient safety and outcomes.


Amanda Flack, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Amanda Flack has a PhD in Physiology. 她是一位热心的教育工作者,致力于学生的成功,在课程开发和教育技术实施方面拥有超过10年的领先经验, face-to-face, & hybrid classrooms.


Lexi Storey,  MS, CCP

Adjunct Faculty

Lexi Storey是密歇根州一名经过认证的临床心血管灌注师,在周边地区的不同医院拥有超过12年的经验. 她获得了温莎大学的理学学士学位和教育学学士学位, Ontario. 随后,她获得了位于亚利桑那州格伦代尔的中西部大学的心血管科学硕士学位. 从那以后,她一直指导并担任有抱负的学生的临床导师,现在正在担任教学课程的角色.


John M. Toomasian, CCP

Adjunct Faculty

John M. Toomasian is a retired clinical perfusionist and medical device researcher that spans five decades. He was a certified perfusionist for 42 years and retired from clinical practice in 2022. His specialties include general, pediatric and adult cardiovascular perfusion, 在多个机构开发和实施延长体外生命支持(ECMO)系统. He’s served as a consultant for many medical device entities, both in commercial and regulatory applications. He has been a past department head at the Medical University of South Carolina ECT Program, a past director and officer of the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion, 他是美国心血管灌注学会的前任主席,也是超过75篇科学出版物的作者. He is currently an Associate Editor for the peer review journal, Perfusion. 曾服务和参与不同的灌注组、医学学会和学术界. He continues to be active in perfusion education, 作为利记sbo的兼职教授和密歇根大学体外循环实验室的研究员,研究灌注和相关人工器官的许多应用领域. More recently, he has focused on teaching students entering the perfusion field.



Sean Murtha, BS, CCP

Adjunct Faculty

Murtha has an extensive background in medical laboratory technology, adult and pediatric perfusion, and has many years of teaching experience in the healthcare field. He is a Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) with more than 25 years of clinical experience. 他是ORRUM临床分析公司的总裁兼首席执行官,并担任综合护理服务公司的首席信息官. 他获得了费城Hahnemann University的心血管灌注理学学士学位, Penn. Murtha还拥有宾夕法尼亚州立大学的运动和体育科学学士学位. Additionally, 他已经完成了西北大学和麻省理工学院的课程,攻读医疗保健分析理学硕士学位.


Patricia Fanelli, CCP

Adjunct Faculty

Patricia Fanelli毕业于韦恩州立大学和哈珀医院灌注技术学院. 她是一名董事会认证的临床灌注师,从事心脏外科手术超过35年. She serves on the Lawrence Tech perfusion program’s advisory board. 法内利拥有医疗技术学位,在联合委员会指导方针方面有很强的背景, federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) requirements, and other federal regulations. She developed policies and procedures, education competencies, regulatory guidelines, and training manuals currently used in perfusion services and regenerative medicine. She currently serves as chief clinical officer of Comprehensive Care Services, one of the nation’s leaders in Perfusion and Autotransfusion services. Comprehensive Care Services is certified by the Joint Commission, and provides superior perfusion and autotransfusion services.