
If you have a question not on this list 请通过eventmgt@ltu与排班小组联系.edu.

所有利记sbo教职员工都可以预订房间. We recommend first contacting your department to determine if there is a specific policy or a liaison that takes care of placing reservations. Student club and organization leaders should contact their faculty/staff representative or the  学生生活办公室 让他们提交房间预订请求. 直接从学生那里收到的申请将不被接受.

If you are an outside group or if you are an 利记sbo employee requesting space for a group that is not affiliated with 利记sbo you will need to contact Derek Thornton at dthornton@ltu.Edu或248.204.预订房间. 他还会检查任何责任问题和租金.


请注意:学生不允许进入. Student clubs and organizations leaders should contact their faculty/staff representative or the 学生生活办公室 to have them place the desired room reservation requests. 直接从学生那里收到的申请将不被接受.

我们鼓励所有申请都尽可能提前提交, 即使是为了未来的任期. Scheduling events for future terms will start approximately one month before that term. Until then requests will be kept as pending until the academic class schedule has been set for that term. 一旦我们能够处理您的请求,我们将给您发电子邮件.

我们知道临时有事,但请提前计划. 最后一分钟的请求,请发送电子邮件至eventmgt@ltu.寻求帮助.

NO! 我们不能移动类以适应事件. 唯一的例外是录取事件. If your class needs to be relocated we would contact both the department and faculty member at least 2 weeks in advance.

If a person or group would like to appeal for an exception to this policy they will need to get written approval from the University Provost. The written permission must then be forwarded in order to proceed with scheduling your event. 请注意,这种性质的请求很少得到批准.

Please do not submit a new request to cancel or make changes to an existing confirmed reservation.

给我们发邮件至eventmgt@iyazi.net! Any requests made in this manner you will need to include the event reservation reference (2012-AABCDE). 没有提供足够资料的申请将不予处理. 您可以在您的原始请求确认邮件中找到参考.


All 视听 requests must be arranged by the event requestor through the 视听 department at least 10 business days in advance. Additional time should be added to your request for events requiring set-up/tear down. Please make sure to reserve the extra time to ensure the room will be open during the times Media Services needs to prepare for your event. 如果你有任何问题,可以通过av@ltu联系他们.Edu或248.204.3020.


All food requests or catering needs (which include snacks, meals, drinks, table clothes, etc.)必须由活动申请者透过校园餐饮安排. Outside food vendor requests must also go through 餐厅 Services and are contingent upon their approval. 请通过Tykoski-leo@aramark与Leo Tykoski联系.Com或248.204.3203查询更多信息.


  • 小型活动利用一个或两个不同的房间或位置, 需要至少提前两(2)周通知.
  • 用于使用三个或更多不同房间或地点的大型活动, 需要至少提前六(6)周通知. 
  • 周末的活动需要在周五下午3点前安排好.

To request setup or custodial services, please complete the online request form: http://ltu.wufoo.com/forms/event-setup-application/ Please keep in mind that a 25日活 confirmation email confirms room availability only. For set up availability, please contact the Department of 校园设施 directly at setups@iyazi.net 或x3800.

是的! 所有房间应恢复原状. If you have rearranged the room to accommodate a specific set-up for your event make sure you move the tables and chairs back the way you found them. 用餐结束后,桌面应清理干净. 垃圾应该扔进垃圾桶. 有一个好房间来开会是我们都应该尊重的特权. To continue to be eligible to reserve spaces on campus please act responsibility and return the space/room to its original state.

No! 您应将学期课程安排以Excel格式提交到schedule@iyazi.net. The only time you would have to make a request through 25日活 Pro for a class is if they need a different space once during the semester.

  • 25日活 Pro是按日历年(而不是学年)时间表设置的. 因此,不要提交日期在两个不同历年的请求. 我们将无法处理这些请求. 而是提交两个请求,按日历年的日期分开预订.
  • You can reserve multiple rooms in the same reservation as long as you need them all for the same time frame. Please do not submit a separate request for each room, unless it is for a different time frame.
  • 您也可以在同一预订中预订多个日期. 您可以让事件每天、每周或在您选择的随机日期重复. 这里的关键是事件每天需要有相同的开始和结束时间.
  • 利记sbo最繁忙的上课时间是周一至周四下午5点至9点.m. 在这些时间里,举办活动的空间极其有限. We encourage you to request space for events during this time as far in advance as possible. Also when requesting for this time frame you should also have a few backup spaces in mind as well.
  • To add set-up and tear down time, please make note of it in the first comment box on the request. 只有调度团队才能看到此信息. This is necessary if you are hosting an event receiving assistance from 校园设施, 餐厅, 或视听服务.

There are several spaces on campus that need to go through a multiple step approval process before your event can be confirmed. 请确保您尽可能提前提交这些空间的申请. 这些房间是:

物业管理大厦(M216B、M336、 & M337)
工程大楼(E108、E109、E156、 & E159)
Ridler Field House
陶布曼情结(J230 & J351)
欢迎中心(C406) -下午5点后的活动.m.


在浏览事件表单时,在您运行空间搜索之后,请确保 点击 写着“请求”预订座位的盒子. The button will change to text that says "added below", and you you will see the room appear below.

当事件窗体不允许您在选择位置后继续时, 这是因为所选位置不可用. 将出现一个冲突列表. 您需要选择一个没有冲突的空间.

If you are a faculty or staff member you should be able to automatically access the system using your campus login. 如果你的证书不起作用,发邮件到eventmgt@ltu.寻求帮助.

第一个, check to ensure you have typed the name of the space correctly in the "Search Locations" section. 在搜索位置框中,键入房间描述(如.e. E101)为一个特定的房间. You can also see all rooms in a specific building by typing the building description (i.e. ),然后按“搜寻”.

An update in the 25日活 system requires that all events be requested at least 24 hours in advance. 少于24小时的日期将无法在向导中选择. 请通过eventmgt@ltu与活动安排团队联系.Edu,有更多问题.

编辑您的事件,电子邮件调度团队在eventmgt@ltu.Edu与事件参考号(i.e. 2019-AAKRXH)以及所请求更改的详细说明.

Your space is not reserved until you have received a confirmation email from the Scheduling Team. 如果您对为什么您的活动尚未得到确认有疑问, 请通过eventmgt@ltu与排班小组联系.edu.

如果您试图安排一个跨越多年的事件, 请注意,这是25日活系统不允许的. 跨越多年的事件将需要按年单独提交(例如.g.2015年的所有日期在一个请求中,2016年的所有日期在另一个请求中.) If you are receiving this error and are not attempting to create an event spanning multiple years, 请通过eventmgt@ltu与排班小组联系.edu.

You can also contact the Scheduling Team with any questions or concerns you may have at eventmgt@iyazi.net. Please bring any questions not on this list to the Scheduling Team's attention so they may be properly addressed.


